Monday, June 17, 2013

Spring 2013

In a continuation of my "Phobia" series, I have created my own interpretation of the "Snow White" fairytale, set against the backdrop of the Roaring Twenties. In this version, each dwarf is a figment of Snow's imagination, representing various fears and aspects of her personality. The final installation culminated in renders of each phobia surrounding a painting of Snow White in a bar. In Snow White's painting, each dwarf makes an appearance (six of the dwarves are visible in reflections, but the seventh dwarf is "offscreen" as he is the viewer himself). I want the viewer to feel her isolation as well as the fragmenting of her personality.

"Seven" - final installation

"Fear of Responsibility"

"Fear of Exposure"

"Fear of Failure"

"Fear of Infirmity"

"Fear of Insignificance"

"Fear of Poverty"

"Fear of Helplessness"

"Mirror, Mirror"